Thursday, September 19, 2013

Run For Fun | Vegas Marathon Obsession


With all the trouble I have had lately staying motivated to run the thought of being registered for the full marathon in Las Vegas this November was a huge cause for anxiety for me. I registered last October and at that time I thought that I would be able to better my time by leaps and bounds but things didn’t really work out. I have been contemplating lately the idea of switching to the half marathon because I couldn’t handle the pressure. I really wanted to turn this into a fun race. The idea of running Vegas as Elvis was something that started bouncing around in my head.

After searching around on the internet I found the above picture of Elvis in his Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii concert. I started growing my beard to get the big bushy sideburns like his and opted out of my planned haircut to mimick the look that Elvis had in the picture. I wasn’t quite decided if I was really going to do it and I couldn’t seem to get any information back from the company that operates the Vegas marathon to make a decision.

Finally, this Sunday at 3:30am I got out of bed and flipped on the TV and of all things to be on… Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii!! I took this as a sign and so I waited until Tuesday to officially switch to the half marathon in Vegas. I am still waiting for more information about a jumpsuit and wig but I will start this ball rolling this weekend.

I am very excited to take the pressure off and run the Half Marathon as the King of Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley!!!

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