Monday, September 30, 2013

5 Craziest Diets - MTL Communications


Everyone is always looking for that one diet that will change their life and help them drop the pounds for good, but sometimes these diets that people try are just plain crazy! After searching the web and looking up all these different diets that we have heard a lot about, we wanted to share with you the top 5 craziest diets that we came across.

1.The Egg and Wine Diet: Yes, you read that right, it’s an egg and wine diet! This does not sound safe or healthy at all. One meal calls for drinking half a bottle of wine and yes, eggs. Really? That sounds insane!

2. The Chewing Diet: With this diet you don’t even really eat your food. You can eat whatever you want and still loose weight. All you have to do is chew your food between 30-80 times and then spit it out. No wonder you’ll lose weight, you literally don’t eat anything!

3.The Sleeping Beauty Diet: This one is solely based on the fact that you can’t while you sleep, therefore the more you sleep the less you eat causing, which means you’ll loose weight. Another pro, you get more beauty sleep. Hold on though, don’t forget you’ll barely be eating or getting any nutrients you need to be health (and look health so that beauty sleep means nothing). Fun fact: Elvis Presley was a fan of this diet!

4.The Cigarette Diet: This diet all started in the 20’s when a cigarette company, Lucky Strike’s, put out a campaign geared towards women that said “Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet”. I think it’s safe to say that everyone should look for a healthier diet than replacing food with nicotine, which can lead to lung cancer.

5.The Tapeworm Diet: This must be the craziest one we came across because while you may lose weight, there’s a huge possibility you could die from ingesting a tapeworm because it’s a parasite that feeds off of you! Sorry, but I think I would much rather keeps those extra pounds or find another diet than try this.

On our journey to find the craziest diets there were many others, but these seemed to stand out the most. Would you try any of these? Lets us know what you think!


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