Thursday, October 16, 2014

vintage everyday: Interesting Photos of Elvis Presley Joins the Army ...

Elvis Presley served in the United States Army between March 1958 and March 1960. At the time of his draft he was one of the most well-known names in the world of entertainment.

Before entering the Army, Presley had caused national outrage with his sexually charged performances and rock and roll music. Many parents, religious leaders, and teachers groups saw his draft, removing him from public view, as a positive thing. Despite being offered the chance to enlist in Special Services to entertain the troops and live in priority housing, Presley decided to serve as a regular soldier. This earned him the respect of many of his fellow soldiers and people back home who had previously viewed him in a negative light.

Here is a collection of interesting black and white photos of joins the Army in 1958.

Wearing only underwear, U.S. Army Pvt. Elvis Presley (3L) raises his arms along with several other inductees at Fort Chaffee, Ark.

Elvis Presley measures in at 6 feet 1/2 inch during pre-induction physical examination at Kennedy Veterans Hospital in Memphis.

Army barber James Peterson takes care of business with his most famous soldier at Fort Chaffee reception center.

Elvis gets a shot from an Army doctor during his pre-induction physical at Kennedy Veterans Hospital.

Elvis Presley clad only in his skivvies as an Army doctor conducts his pre-induction physical at Kennedy Veterans Hospital.

Elvis tries on his Army boots, but stays sharp in plaid sport coat and slacks at Fort Chaffee.

Elvis in newly issued Army fatigues & jacket.

Still in the plaid sport coat, Elvis is sworn into the U. S. Army by Maj. Elbert Turner.

Private Presley heads for the barracks.

His hair shorn, Elvis adjusts his new uniform after his induction at Fort Chaffee.

(Images: Don Cravens/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images, via Mashable/ Retronaut)


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