Sunday, September 21, 2014

I am the Bride, poem by Trish Hopkinson (Celebrity Free Verse ...


I am the Bride

by Trish Hopkinson

When I really like a girl

I call her ”kiddo.”

I am a loner,

the way I talk with my hands [laughing]

like Elvis Presley on crack, all right?

You get comfortable with your own company—

read, listen to music . . .

It’s like, no worries.

But you can get bored with it.

That can happen.

A little bit of—yeah, okay, exactly—

It’s a mixed bag.

I am able to truly, in this town, live

the life of an artist,

create something—

one big book about comic books,

spaghetti Westerns, and Hong Kong kung fu films—

a cool little story and everyone liked it.

I am the Bride.

The characters are also me

with little feminine tendencies.

Sometimes I want to look handsome,

dress in nice stuff . . .

More of an old sexy lion,

style is cranked up,

you know…


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