FairCityNews.com | Aug 20, 2013 | Comments 0
Springfield, MO – Critics warning that proposed changes could lead to “hundreds and hundreds” of new billboards along local streets, and are taking that message to the very medium they are wishing to deter. “The billboard is a very effective medium for conveying a message, which is why we are constructing and acquiring space everywhere we can to stop the proliferation of more billboards in our area,” said one supporter of billboard effectiveness but not the billboards themselves.
One billboard company owner said, “A whole lot of new billboards are going to be built here and in places and locations you might not want to have a billboard in, so I’m making it my personal mantra to place as many ‘no more billboard’ messages on my billboards as soon as possible.”
Sign guys are lining the streets with yard signs encouraging the more lenient regulations by posting messages consisting of “Yard Signs Should Be as Big as Yards”, and “Every Blade of Grass is a Billboard Canvas”.
An opponent of the measure spoke at a recent City Council meeting and repeated the phrase, “signs, signs, everywhere a sign, breakin’ up the scenery, breakin’ my mind. Do this, don’t to that, can’t you read the signs?”
It is yet to be seen whether council will vote on the plan Aug. 26 as scheduled, amend it or start a billboard campaign seeking the opinions of the voters .
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