Friday, January 18, 2013

My Students bring the laffs! « Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong

With my year 6 students, we are looking at music through the ages, starting with the 1950′s. Each week we explore a different decade, looking at influential artists of the era. We also look at other things such as fashion, politics, and significant events of the time that may have influenced the musical trends.

So, as I have mentioned, we began with the 1950′s. Now obviously we can’t look at every popular musician/band, so we just looked at a few. For this decade we focused our attention on Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra and Bill Haley. (I also played some Jerry Lee Lewis for them while they were doing their work). They have to discuss instrumentation, musical style/genres and the similarities and differences between the different artists of the era and to the music today. I also get them to discuss if they think the songs are good or bad, and WHY they like or dislike it. I’m trying to build critical minds here. I always say to them, everyone has different tastes and it’s ok great to have different opinions and ideas, but you need to back them up!

Anyway another one of the tasks at the end of the lesson was to create a 1950′s style concert poster for one of the artists we’d learnt about. I thought I would share one with you, as I thought it was pretty good… plus it’s quite hilarious!

This was designed by some year 6 (11-year-old) girls: -

Free Beer for Everyone!! Bring your glowsticks!

Free Beer for Everyone!! Bring your glow sticks!

Sometimes I wonder how they come up with these things… I guess it is inevitable and quite impossible to shelter kids these days.

I wish all gigs had free beer!! Ah, they have a lot to learn about event co-ordination. They’d have a hard time getting a job this day and age. But they will soon learn that NOTHING comes for free. But quite a sweet gesture don’t ya think?


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