Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are you a Washingtologist? Answer this question about Elvis Presley.

on 11. January 2013 by in Elvis Presley, Comments (0)

News, sports and entertainment photo galleries from The Kansas City Star.

MEMPHIS, Tennessee — Elvis Presley fans from as far as Japan and Brazil gathered Tuesday in Memphis to sing “Happy Birthday” to the late rock 'n' roll icon on the day he would have turned 78. Hundreds of Elvis devotees watched as 13-year-old Isabella

MEMPHIS, Tennessee — Elvis Presley fans from as far as Japan and Brazil gathered Tuesday in Memphis to sing “Happy Birthday” to the late rock 'n' roll icon on the day he would have turned 78. Hundreds of Elvis devotees watched as 13-year-old Isabella

Today, the late and great Elvis Presley celebrates his 78th birthday. In honor of the self-proclaimed King of Rock, Consequence of Sound's Henry Hauser takes.

Today, the late and great Elvis Presley celebrates his 78th birthday. In honor of the self-proclaimed King of Rock, Consequence of Sound's Henry Hauser takes.

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Tags: Elvis Presley, Happy Birthday, Henry Hauser, Tennessee Elvis Presley


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