Monday, January 14, 2013

2 Little Magic Words. {Video} | elephant journal

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on Jan 14, 2013

Source: Uploaded by user via Kelsey on Pinterest

I believe that gratitude is magical.

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” ~ John Milton

Gratitude, expressed, is like adding a small bit of extra sunlight into someone’s day. We all want to be appreciated. Just being thankful for someone or something is a wonderful start, but what if instead we each practiced saying “thank you” more often?

What if we made expressing our gratitude for people a bigger priority than expressing our complaints or disapproval?

Laura Trice agrees:

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Kate Bartolotta is the strongest girl in the world. She is the love child of a pirate and a roller derby queen. She hails from the second star to the right. She doesn't know how to behave with all the apples and ibexes. She doesn't suffer from her eight million freckles, she loves them! She drinks her lemonade right from the jug. Like a rolling stone, Kate gathers no moss. Kate loves kale, being barefoot, Dr. Seuss, singing too loudly, gallivanting, palindromes, blackberries, Elvis Presley, magic tricks and (of course) elephants. She has been charged with (and found guilty of) overusing the exclamation point! When she's not writing, you can find her practicing yoga, running in the woods, playing with her kids, devouring a book, planting dandelions, changing the world and doing her dishes. Kate does not play the accordion. She is on her way to becoming a fabulous massage therapist, a mediocre writer and a compassionate friend to all. This year Kate aspires to finally give up on learning to knit and will instead spend that time writing for elephant journal. Connect with Kate on Facebook and Twitter

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