Monday, December 17, 2012

Jack Skuller » Vents Magazine - Music and Entertainment Magazine

Pic by Justin Houllar

So for those who doesn’t know you guys yet, who’s Jack Skuller?

I am a sixteen year old singer/songwriter and musician who lives for rock and roll!

How did you get started in the music scene?

I’ve always been exposed to music since I was in the womb. I can’t say for sure if I was born singing because I don’t remember that day, but I did pick it up pretty quickly! My parents would always take me to see shows, including my dad’s gigs, and to me it always seemed like music was life.

What are your music influences?

I mainly dig down to the roots of rock–Elvis Presley of course, Eddie Cochran, Little Walter, and so many others. All great innovators and creators.

How was it to performed on Fox TV’s Good Day NY, CMJ and on Radio Disney?

The whole ride’s been a complete thrill. Good Day New York was really big for me at the time–television debut, just a year after I had started my professional career. It was a great experience, and the people were great, too. Every Radio Disney affiliate I met during Season 5 of NBT was really nice as well! Through NBT I had my first U.S. tour through eight major cities (such as Atlanta, Chicago, LA, Seattle, Cleveland, Orlando, etc) and was exposed to a ton of new supporters… It’s all been exciting.

What has been one of the funniest moments you guys have been or took part while touring?

One of the craziest events on the tour was in Joliet, Illinois, when there were two tornadoes, one on each side of the town we were in. The show was delayed 4 hours, and all the performers and some audience members were in a building that lost power. So we played some songs acoustically for our small crowd and made the best of it. Then we did the show like nothing happened! That was a great day.

What’s your method at the time of writing new material?

I write about real things that I can connect with. I can start with a chord progression or just words that are floating around in my head, and just get it out.

Are there any more plans for the future we should be aware of?

I’m writing a lot right now. I want to keep touring and making new music. Meanwhile, you can download my cover of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” on iTunes, and all the proceeds go to Hurricane Sandy NJ Relief Fund. I’m really excited about that track. And stay tuned for new videos/news!

Where can we find more about your music?

You can access anything and everything from my website: or my facebook page: . My twitter and instagram are @jackskuller

Do you feel you’re moving on the right direction?

There’s really no way to tell; it’s just one of those things where you gotta just keep going. And that’s exactly what I plan to do.


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