Thursday, December 20, 2012

Does everybody know why the media is obsessing ... - My Elvis World

A New Leaf

Posted 51 minutes ago

Voyeurism. A few weeks ago it was some woman called Goody.

Anyone anywhere who appears on a screen and feeds this sick need to poke into other peoples lives.

Or deaths. Weird weird people man !!

I’m more intrigued by the threat to the survival and existence of The Hindu Kush Kalasha tribes in North Pakistan Frontier Province and hope that if the UN troops can do any good at all it will be to save these wonderful people from the Taliban.

You wont see much of their plight in the “daily sh!te” will you.

Unless one of them sleeps with a brit footballer or some microphone chewing no mark wannabe of course.

Britains got talons !

Jacko will be worm food or ash real soon. Let him go !


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