Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A good year for the roses | Cabbage Dan

There is a scene in This is Spinal Tap when the band are stood looking at the grave of Elvis Presley.

“Puts things into perspective doesn’t it” says one to the other.

“Yes”, he replies “too much fucking perspective”

That’s what it feels like I’m suffering from at the moment. Too much fucking perspective.

My brother recently said that despite the fact he got married, conceived a child, and his wife got on her dream psychology doctorate course, this has been the worst year of his entire life.

It feels a bit like that for me at the moment. This year saw the birth of our third child, the success of my pallet shed, and me losing over 30lb in weight.

But it also saw some very sleepless nights, a period of low mood that in retrospect can be identified as a bout of depression, and of course the recent unexpected and premature death of my father.

But even though I’m still reeling from all that, it has given me a hefty dose of perspective. And despite the fact the there is indeed too fucking much of it, it is still a useful thing to harness.

I’m not a big fan of new year’s resolutions. But never-the-less here are a few things that I’m going to be working towards in 2013.

  • Continue to live my life like the healthier person I want to be

  • Stop allowing mundane and fleeting distractions spoonfed me by others steal my time from more nourishing pursuits

  • Foster my creativity and my enthusiasm

  • Remember that my kids are just kids

  • Dress better

It’s been a strange year. I’m hoping the next one will be better.

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