Sask Farmers Attempt To Break Harvest Record Written by Kelvin Heppner Saturday, 06 October 2012 00:00

Saskatchewan farmers are attempting to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records as part of the Children’s Camps International Harvest for Kids project this afternoon.

Organizers are hoping to break the record for most combines working simultaneously on a single field, which was set at 208 in Ireland this summer. The Irish farmers broke the 200 combine mark that was established at the 2010 CCI Harvest For Kids event near Winkler.

“We are sitting right around the 200 mark, and we’re hoping that people will rally together. I think we’re going to get there,” says Derek Unrau, Harvest for Kids Director.

The harvest will be taking place on a nearly 300 acre oat field near Dalmeny – around 30 kilometres north of Saskatoon.

“We have room, or swaths, for 249 combines,” says Unrau.

Funds raised as part of the event will be used by Winkler-based Children’s Camps International to send children to camp in developing countries.

“We’re working in seven countries, and this past year we had the privilege of sending 170 thousand kids,” he explains.

The harvest is being filmed for a documentary entitled “The Great American Wheat Harvest.”

Canadian country band High Valley will also be holding a concert tonight in support of the event.

Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2012 13:31