Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Marilyn Syndrome

Posted by By at 8 August, at 18 : 24 PM Print

The Marilyn Syndrome

As I skim the warmed-over tributes to Marilyn Monroe on the dubious occasion of her being dead for 50 years, a variation of one headline keeps coming up: "50 Years Dead and More Alive Than Ever.

"WHAT DO you dream?" "My dreams are too intimate to be revealed in public." "What is your nightmare?" "My nightmare is the H-bomb, what's yours?" So it went between Marilyn Monroe and writer Alan Levy, in the very last interview Marilyn gave, to

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Footage of Monroe's funeral on YouTube: Abbott says he's the left-front pallbearer as the coffin's being taken from the Westwood

If you attended the Morgan Hill Independence Day parade, you might have got a glimpse of screen goddess Marilyn Monroe. She wore a sensuous pink dress, sat in a convertible and waved with movie star poise. She might have even blown you a kiss.

Marilyn Monroe lived and died in an age blissfully free of the tawdry taint of social networks, but that hasn't stopped some chancer opening a Facebook account in her name and recruiting over three million fans under the banner of the Monroe brand.

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