Friday, August 10, 2012

Elvis: Courageous Heart | The Sheila Variations

Elvis Presley, 1948, checking out a biography of Andrew Jackson from the Humes High School library, bless his heart.

Elvis nuts will know that this card is going up for auction (and it is NOT a library card, stop calling it a library card), and will probably go for thousands of dollars. I’m not a person who is into “things” so much, or memorabilia, although I do love my knife, my doll, and my pen. Those are more souvenirs, though. If I could own something that Elvis had owned, I would love one of his damn cars, I don’t even care which one, although one of the Stutz Blackhawks would be awesome. I could also deal with owning one of his guns or a pair of his sunglasses. But I don’t necessarily care about “things”. It’s not my “thing” with Elvis. The movies and the music are enough for me to own. That’s the part of him that is the most valuable, anyway.

HOWEVER. As a librarian’s daughter, this book-check-out card is a “thing” I would like to have. Did Elvis check it out for a book report? Or was it pleasure reading for the 13-year-old boy? He loved American history, he was very patriotic. His family had just moved to Memphis. He was a new student at Humes. His face had exploded into acne. He hadn’t found himself yet (but he was on an accelerated pace, compared to other mortals. He would “find himself”, and fully, shortly.) His mother was working hard, they were “movin’ on up” a bit, but Elvis felt a little bit lost in those first years in Memphis. And there he is, checking out the biography of Andrew Jackson. This is the kind of evidence of him as a regular human that I find touching.

And I want to point out something awesome. Please go to this link and read the conversation between “Joe Carlson” and another commenter in the comments section (it’s a short comments thread). (Not the end part where it gets a bit hostile about whether or not this is a library card or not – but the earlier part of the thread.) I love Joe Carlson! I love the way his mind works!! It’ll make you look twice at the library card.

My theory is that Charlene had a book report and she kept procrastinating writing it, but she had already taken the book out so she just kept taking it out again, until finally, in a burst of adrenaline, she wrote the damn book report in one night. But it took her three weeks to get to it.

Elvis took it out and returned it on time and moved on with his life. It was 1948. Big times coming. And fast.


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