Sunday, August 5, 2012

Drug-Induced Celebrity Deaths: Killer Drugs Concealed As ...

The unforeseen passing of the King of Pop marks the fall of yet another celebrity by therapeutic drugs. Music Royalties, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley, had both perished because of the blend of medical drugs given for stress and pain. Today, a celebrity’s worst type of nightmare may be acquiring medical treatment by an individual licensed to order killing medications.

Warning alarms need to be ringing once more throughout the entertainment capital. TV shows and celebrity drug treatment programs have not yet persuaded customers that drugs are certainly not safe to take, even when prescribed by a health care professional.

Let us keep things straightforward. Most pain killing medications designed to treat chronic or severe pain are also depressants. A lot of people are likewise prescribed an anti-anxiety or benzo drug or anti-depressants along with drugs such as methadone, Percocet, OxyContin, etc. Taking these medications in combination with other drugs can create an enhanced physical depressant effect.

It’s important to take note that if an individual is additionally using meth, heroin, cocaine, or even alcohol, the combined detrimental effects often put them in the hospital or worse. The more medications used all together, the greater the threat of unexpected harm.

In case you’re wondering what it is, to depress something means to stop or slow it down. Some essential functions that anti-depressants, benzodiazepines, and pain killers, and can stop or slow are sexual function, respiration, cardiac function (pulse rate), mental function (clear thinking), and digestive processes (anorexia).

If you observe any of the aforementioned drug effects, get worried. Some clients state that when they tell their physicians of these effects, they are often told not to be concerned over it or they just provide them with supplemental medicines. This is surely not sensible medical advice. Pain killing, anti-depressant, or anti-anxiety medications tend to disguise their destructive effects. If you are feeling unwell, be concerned.

Drugs do not and cannot repair, cure or heal any sort of bodily disorder. Pain killing medications prevent the individual from perceiving the real condition of their mind or body. Ignoring known risks is like walking in a minefield blind folded and pretending that you are secure because the anxiety of seeing bombs isn’t there.

Had Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, Marilyn Monroe, or any other superstar insisted on treating their actual issues through holistic and natural drug treatment programs in addition to integrative medicine, the world wouldn’t be bereft of one other celebrity.


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